The People of the State of Michigan - - - (Complainants) VS William Shimmel - - - (Defendant) |
Alfred Adkin Direct Examination |
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A L F R E D A D K I N, having been produced as a witness for and in behalf of the people, and having first been duly sworn, testified as follows:
Q |
Where abouts do you live? |
A |
I live in Muskegon County. |
Q |
About how far from Sullivan? |
A |
Well I think it is between five and six miles. |
Q |
How long have you lived there? |
A |
Well I have lived there off and on for the last twenty-five years. |
Q |
Do you know William Shimmel here the respondent? |
A |
Yes, sir. |
Q |
How long have you known him? |
A |
Well I have known him for a number of years, I can say fifteen or twenty years anyway. |
Q |
What is your business? |
A |
I am a farmer, that is I own a small farm, twenty-eight acres of land, and I have a large family, and I generally go out picking up junk, rags and rubbers. |
Q |
What season of the year do you that? |
A |
Well in the spring and fall sometimes. |
Q |
Do you remember of the time of the murder of Martin Golden at Dennison? |
A |
Yes, sir. |
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Q |
Where abouts did you first hear of that murder? |
A |
I heard of it about four miles I think - - well about a half a mile east and about four miles south of Sullivan. |
Q |
And at what place, whose farm? |
A |
Now I couldn’t tell the man’s name, it is right near what they call the Dutch church up there. |
Q |
Was the man’s name Bolema? |
A |
I think that is the name. |
Q |
And what day of the week was it that you heard that? |
A |
This was on a Tuesday. |
Q |
That would be the Tuesday after the murder on Monday night? |
A |
Yes, sir. |
Q |
At about what time of day was it when you saw Bolema and heard of the murder? |
A |
Well now I couldn’t tell exactly, but I know I had stopped, I and my little boy had stopped on the road and ate our dinner before we got there, it must have been somewhere about one o’clock. I generally lay up from about eleven until about one on the road anyhow before I buy much more on account of peoples eating their dinners and all like that. |
Q |
And you stopped at this man Bolemas at the church there, did you? |
A |
Yes, sir, I stopped at the house. |
Q |
And talked with him about this murder? |
A |
Yes, sir. |
Q |
And then what direction did you go from there? |
A |
I turned right around by the church and went west. |
Q |
Well about how far from the Denison is this church? |
A |
Well sir I couldn’t say as to that. |
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Q |
And you went west from the church you say? |
A |
Yes, sir. |
Q |
And did you meet anybody on the road going west? |
A |
I did. |
Q |
Whom did you meet? |
A |
I met Mr. Shimmel. |
Q |
How far from the little Dutch church did you meet Shimmel? |
A |
Well it must have been - - well I had went by the road that runs from Nunica to Sullivan. |
Q |
And that would be a mile west of the Dutch church. |
A |
Yes, sir. |
Q |
And about how far west of that were you? |
A |
Oh I must have been a half or three quarters of a mile, I couldn’t state exactly. |
Q |
Which way was he going? |
A |
He was coming towards me. |
Q |
Coming east then? |
A |
Yes, sir. |
Q |
Was he afoot or did he have a rig with him? |
A |
He was afoot when I saw him. |
Q |
You say your little boy was with you? |
A |
Yes, sir. |
Q |
And did you notice Shimmel or did the boy? |
A |
My little boy spoke up to me and he says, “pa, there comes Will Shimmel” I was kind of studying, I am always studying on the road to see how I am coming out and the like of that. |
Q |
Did you have any conversation with Shimmel at that time? |
A |
When he come up on the left hand side of the wagon I said, |
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A |
“Hello Will” and he says “hello” I says, “What are you doing down in here” like that, that is my expression generally. He says, “I am just a coming from Nunica”. |
Q |
Go on. |
A |
Well I says, “you are west of the road that runs from Nunica to Sullivan” Well he says, “I made a turn off back here” he says, “and got on the wrong road”. |
Q |
Did he say anything about the Cooper Schoolhouse? |
A |
I think he did, yes, sir. |
Q |
And the Cooper Schoolhouse is how far south of where you were? |
A |
Why I think it is about a mile I won’t be sure. |
Q |
Well now go on and give the rest of the conversation. |
A |
And then I spoke up to him and I said, “did you hear about that murder Will, in Denison last night” he says, “no”, I says, “yes, there was a man killed, a murder, up there, so I heard back here by the Dutch church” I says, “last night” and Will stood a minute and he spoke up and he says, “well nothing but a dead man anyhow” like that. Then I went on about my business. |
Q |
And which way did he go? |
A |
He went right past me. |
Q |
He kept on east? |
A |
Yes, sir. |
Q |
Did you see anything of a horse and buggy around there? |
A |
No, sir. |
Q |
Now about how was he dressed that morning? |
A |
I couldn’t say, I didn’t take no particular notice. |
Q |
What kind of a hat did he have on? |
A |
Well I couldn’t say as to that because I am a man that very |
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A |
seldom notices a man’s clothes. |
Q |
Did Shimmel ever work for you? |
A |
Why he has been with his cousins I think, threshing at my place several times. |
Q |
Did you ever work with Bill? |
A |
No, I don’t think I ever did only as he worked at my place. |
Q |
Did you ever saw wood with him? |
A |
No, I don’t think I ever did. |
Q |
Now what have you ever noticed if anything about the peculiarity of his breathing, if he does anything, runs or moves quick? |
A |
Why nothing in particular only he has got a kind of a lisp or something, I don’t know what you would call it. |
Q |
Kind of a heavy wheeze? |
A |
Yes, sir, kind of a - - |
Q |
(Interrupting) Whether or not it would be something like a heavy (heevy) horse? |
A |
Well you might call it that. |
Q |
Now what can you say as to whether he was as heavy then when you met him there on the road as he is now? |
A |
Well I should think about the same. |
Q |
And he was coming from the west? |
A |
Yes, sir. |
Q |
About how far ahead of you did you see him in the road? |
A |
Why he must have been not more than a rod or so ahead because I just happened to look up. |
Q |
What kind of a country is it around there, whether cleared up or not? |
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A |
Yes, sir, it was cleared up country where I saw him. |