The People of the State of Michigan - - - (Complainants)


William Shimmel - - - (Defendant)

Darwin G. Shavalier

           Direct Examination

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Page 214




He asked me what date that was.




    MR. PARK:  I object to that and ask the court to rule on it.




    THE WITNESS:  (Continuing)  And I couldn’t tell it, I couldn’t tell him the date.




Go on, what did you do then.


I told him after that - -




    MR. PARK:  I object to what you told him.




    THE COURT:  You simply tell us what happened.




Where did you go to locate that date?


The way I located the date, I went to the telephone book of Sullivan and referred back to the date that I had telephoned for that feed for these parties, and I found according to the date on the telephone book it was on - -




    MR. PARK:  (Interrupting)  I object to what he found on the telephone book as the telephone book is the best evidence of that record.




    THE COURT:  Yes, that is correct.




    MR. PARK:  He may answer it then.




You established the date then as the 24th?


I established the date as the 24th, yes, sir.




And the evening of the day when you saw him was when you got your paper which told about the Golden murder?


Yes, sir, that was the first I had heard of it.




And about how long after you saw him was it that you got the paper with the Golden murder in it?


I think it comes there a few minutes to seven o’clock from Grand Rapids.