Program     ( November 10, 1893 )


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November 10, 1893



1. Song                                      Come down in the Meadows School.

2. Bicicle Girl                              Ray Lawton

3. Xxxx bitter bide a wee

4. Dialogue                                 The School

5. Music

6. A 6 and 9 rhyme                     George Stevens

7. Music

8. Dialogue                                 The Peacemaker

9. Music                                     Old Black Joe

10. You know you do                  Herbert Carney

11. Song - Miller and Mary          Flora Bliss

12. Music                                   Roll your hands

13. The Whiskey Bottle               Frank Bliss

14. Dialogue                               The sick doll

15. The Little Chatter Box            Emma Carney

17. Song Young                         Charlotte Ives Blaken

18. Dialogue                               Almost a runaway

19. Music

18. Dialogue                               Guess what’s in my pocket

19. Hurrah                                  George Carney

20. Plays


Mrs. Bliss                    T. Zimmer                        .25

Mrs. Baldus                 F. Fonger                       .25

Lizzie Golden              Billy                               1.10


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Frank Culligan             Mary Golden                    .40

Etta Fitzpatrick            Tom McGrath                  .35

Sadi Golden                Dennis Golden                 .35

Linnie M.                     Anthony D                       .45

Minnie Fitzpatrick        Ray Gan                          .25

Txxx Bliss                   Edd Spring                      .30

Lida                            Fred Baldus                     .35

Gertn S                       Herb A                            .35

William Fitzpatrick        .                                      .20

Alice V.                       Joe Golden                      .70

Anna S                       Frank Bliss                      .25

Emma Stxx                 N. Sxxxth                         .25

Gxxtxx X.                    Mr Bliss                           .35

Iven B                         xxxx Bliss                      1.05

Hattie C.                     N. Antoson                      .90

Frank Z                       M Golden                        .40

Mrs. Timmerman         F. Bliss                            .35

Lucy                           C Rice                             .40

Mrs Rice                     S. Baldus                         .35

Mrs Burke                   H. Cooney                       .25

Mary Zimmer               w. bliss                            .40

Bable G.                     Ira Tailor                          .50

Kate Golden                Albert Johnson                 .75

Jule Johnson               John Golden                  1.00

Mrs Gording                E. Smith                          .35




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