By: Jim Fitzpatrick

Local Farmer in Polkton Township writes for the Coopersville Observer.

Along Brandy Creek

By Jim Fitzpatrick


The Coopersville Observer  Nov 14, 2005- - No. 61

There is a pocket of folks along 84th avenue that are unique to the area. Marv comes from one of the many family names entrenched there for generations. He can tell you of more aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, brothers and sisters than you can shake a stick at. Several of their places can be seen from under the shade trees of his family’s front yard. Catch him when he isn’t overly busy with the cows or one of his many other interests, you will get a good story or two every time. You will hear interesting tales of neighbors, relatives and others who live and have lived there on the land. Chances are; if your family name shows itself on the old plat maps, you could learn something new about one of your ancient relatives. You may discover that you are related to some of those folks over there along 84th avenue, as you listen to some of Marv’s under the shade tree stories.


Marv grew up on the place. Hunted, fished, trapped and trekked over every acre for as far as you can see, when he was a kid. He moved into Uncle Chris’s old house back in the woods as a young fellow. Worked a bunch of different jobs around the area till the heavy snow winters of the mid 1970’s set in. Weather like that was more than a single fellow really needed to deal with. After one particular big snow storm, the white stuff piled up several feed deep all across the country side. The only way out of the house for Marv that morning was to climb out the bathroom window. With that, he packed up a few belongings, left for Colorado the very same day. He stayed out there for a couple of years, “working construction”. As it is for many of us, the land and family ties never really let go of a fellow!


Marv came back to Michigan; put up a new dairy barn, bought a herd of good milk cows. He met, fell in love with and married Rose. Wasn’t long and three little ones arrived on the scene. Rose and Marv traded houses with Mom and Dad. Years have passed; the three young ones are almost grown up boys now. The oldest son, he will be taking over the farm before long. All seems to be going according to tradition over there along 84th avenue.

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