By: Jim Fitzpatrick

Local Farmer in Polkton Township writes for the Coopersville Observer.

Along Brandy Creek

By Jim Fitzpatrick


The Coopersville Observer  February 18, 2008- - No. 91

He grew up north of 'the river' on his ma and pa's place along Leonard Road and 90th ave.  There was always plenty of work to be done with all the hogs that were raised up on the place during those years.  Scott learned early on what it means to make a go of things on your own.  He and his sister put in their share of time along with the folks, to keep the farm going and looking pretty good.  There were horses on the farm in addition to the pigs.  They had to be cared for everyday and the two kids spent a lot of time on horseback when there was time away from the had-to-do-work.  The boy and his dad spent considerable time together hunting, fishing, and trapping in the surrounding woodlands during the fall of the year.


The years went by and the boy grew up; made up his mind to have a place of his own as soon as he could.  He worked as a taxidermist in Coopersville for a time.  Then went off to farrier school so he could learn to trim and shoe horses for a living.  Turned out that the work suited him just fine.  Wasn't long and the guy had more work than he could keep up with.  When the old Bartholomew place came up for sale, Scott stepped right up with just the right offer for that forty acre piece.  Wasn't long, he was moving onto that farm of his own; fixed up the old house quite a bit and made a pretty good workshop out of what was already there.  He put up a new barn; a good place to keep his horses, mules and cows.  And the white fences all around, that really spruced up the place.


Scott says he will be moving to Montana someday, and very likely he will.  However, for now he likes being on the land there between Cleveland and the old Grand Trunk Railroad, to the south of Brandy Creek.  A few more years and a bunch more horses to trim and fit up with shoes, then he'll move to the West.

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