Who is Mary Walsh?
Subj: Golden geneology Date: 2/9/02 8:41:56 AM Pacific Standard Time From: MEEJEE70 To: GSC Glenn
Dear Cousin Glenn,
I am getting excited about the reunion and have been looking at all the old pictures and info again. I have a question for you. Who is Mary Walsh? She is on the website as being the wife of Michael Golden (b.1780) and she is also mentioned in the Fitzpatrick book on page 254. The Golden famiy tree (page 65) says Michael Golden's wife is Mary Dougher. I have a copy of Patrick Golden's death certificate that says his mother was Mary Dougher. Let me know what you think. I also found an old clipping about the wedding of Georgine Cole. Do you have that info. If not, let me know and I will have Shannon send it to you. I have more questions but I will get to those later. All my best to you and Sharon.
Love, Cousin Mary Jane Link
Subj: Who is Mary Walsh? Date: 2/10/02 8:29:40 PM Pacific Standard Time From: GSC Glenn To: MEEJEE70
Dear Cousin Mary Jane,
Who is Mary Walsh? What a great question! When I put up the website I used the information from page 267 of a book published in Grand Haven in 1974. As you pointed out this information can be found on page 254 of the Fitzpatrick Book. As you mentioned, the name Mary Walsh in this publication is not consistent with the information on Patrick Golden's death certificate. So I guess the question is which source is more credible. I would think the death certificate is the more credible source.
I was tempted to use the name Mary Dougher on the website, but since the rest of the website information came from page 267 of the book published in Grand Haven, I went with Mary Walsh. I suppose I should have gone with Mary Dougher
It is intesresting to note that Patrick Golden's brother John Golden married a Bridget Walsh. You can find Bridget Walsh on the family tree that was hand written by Hortense Golden Brown.
Now to add a little bit more to the question "Who is Mary Walsh?" The 1870 Census lists an 18 year old girl named Mary Welch (spelled "W" "e" "l" "c" "h") as a member of the Thomas Malone and Mary Golden Family. (See page 295 of the Fitzpatrick Book) Ten years earlier, the 1860 Census lists an 8 year old Mary Malone as a part of the Thomas Malone and Mary Golden family. (Se page 289 of the Fitzpatrick Book) Page 335 of the Fitzpatrick Book lists notes or questions I had at the time the Fitzpatrick Book was printed (December 2000). You will notice item 10 asks "Who is Mary Welsh?" Unfortunately the spelling of "Welch" in this note was incorrectly spelled as "Welsh".
One more comment on the name Welch. An 1876 map of Polkton Township shows an M. Welch owning land about a mile north of the Thomas Malone Farm.
Who is Mary Walsh? What a great question!
Six or seven years ago, Brother Joe and I visited Grand Haven to gather information from the Ottawa County death records. We made a lot of hand written notes but did not get any copies of death certificates. The information on page 329 through 332 of the Fitzpatrick Book is a list of that information. You will be able to see that our notes (page 331) listed Mikle Golden as Patrick's father and Mary Dougher as Patrick's mother. If I remember correctly, last summer you asked where I got the spelling of "Mikle" for Patrick's father. At the time, I didn't remember. Looking at page 331, I can see that it came from my hand written notes. Since you have a copy of Patrick's death certificate, we should be able to resolve the spelling issue of Michael's name.
It would be great if you could have Shannon send me a copy of the clipping about the wedding of Georgine Cole. It would also be great if you could have her send me a copy Patrick Golden's death certificate.
Thanks, Cousin Glenn